Career & Technical Education (CTE) Program

Sociology II: Your Social Life

Sociology II: Your Social Life

Have you ever looked at your social media feed and wondered why there is always so much fighting over social issues? Discover how social institutions like families, religion, government, and education shape our world and how collective behavior and social movements can create change. Investigate how our lives are shaped by entertainment, social institutions, and social change.

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Units at a glance

In this unit, we will discuss the social institution of the family. We will examine different family arrangements around the world and the functions that families provide for individuals and society. We will also discuss different patterns in marriage and mate selection as well as look at how factors like race and class affect families. Finally, we will investigate the increase in divorce in North America and what factors may contribute to this.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Learn about different family arrangements around the world.
  • Think about the different functions that families provide for individuals and society.
  • Examine the patterns in mate selection for marriage.
  • Investigate the factors that have led to an increase in divorce.

This unit focuses on the social institutions of religion and education. We will discuss what religion is and what functions it provides to individuals and society. In addition, we will examine several different types of religious organizations. We will also discuss what functions the educational system provides to society and how this social institution can reinforce social inequalities in society. Finally, we will look at the growth of online education and its benefits and issues for society.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Learn what functions religion provides for individuals and society.
  • Examine different types of religious organizations.
  • Investigate the functions of education in society.
  • Examine the relationship between education and social inequality.
  • Discuss the growth on online education.

In this unit, we will examine the two social institutions known as the economy and politics. We will discuss the characteristics of capitalism and socialism and look at how the economy is changing in recent years. We will also investigate several different types of government structures and ways that people gain authority in society. Finally, we will look at several models of power and how government policies affect our everyday lives.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Learn the differences between capitalism and socialism.
  • Discuss several recent trends in the economy.
  • Examine the three types of authority.
  • Investigate the differences between totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and democracy.
  • Discuss several models of power to explain the political system.

In this unit, we will examine the role and effects of sports and entertainment, particularly the mass media, on society. We will look at how sports are used to socialize children and how they reinforce assumptions of gender and race. We will also discuss the functions that the mass media provide to individuals and society and how the mass media reinforces traditional assumptions of social class and other inequalities. Finally, we will investigate the controversy over violence in the media.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Learn how sports reinforce social inequality in society.
  • Discuss how sports contribute to socialization into North American culture.
  • Investigate the functions that the mass media provide.
  • Consider how the concentration of the media and gatekeeping activities influence what we are exposed to.
  • Examine the controversy over violence in the media and how individuals receive messages in the media.

In this unit, we will examine the study of population or demography. We will learn the basic concepts of demography and discuss some of the theories of population growth. In addition, we will discuss some of the trends in population from around the globe. In doing so, we will examine some of the effects that population growth has had on the environment and how the culture of North America contributes to environmental problems. Finally, we will discuss what human society can do to minimize environmental harm through culture.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Understand the basic concepts used in the study of population.
  • Investigate several theories of population growth.
  • Examine some trends in population growth and the effects that these may have on society and the environment.
  • Discuss how the culture of North America contributes to environmental problems.
  • Understand what environmental racism is and how it reinforces social inequality.

In this unit, we will discuss the history and development of cities, including the recent increase in the size and number of cities. We will examine the structure of modern cities and some of the trends and patterns that can currently be seen in the world today, including urban decline, the growth of the Sunbelt, and sprawl. Finally, we will examine the patterns of behaviors and attitudes for city dwellers.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Understand some of the factors that led to the development of cities.
  • Learn what urbanization is and how it affects society, individuals, and the environment.
  • Examine how cities may affect those who live in them.
  • Investigate the trends of urban decline, the growth of Sunbelt cities, and sprawl.
  • Understand some of the effects that urban decline and sprawl have on society, cities, and individuals.

In this unit, we will examine collective behavior, including crowds, mobs, riots, fads, crazes, and panics. We will discuss theories about why these types of situations happen and some examples of each type. We will also investigate what social movements are, what types of social movements exist in society, and why they develop in society. Finally, we will look at the lifecycle of social movements to learn more about what makes them fail or succeed.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Understand the forms of collective behavior.
  • Examine explanations for collective behavior in society.
  • Investigate the difference categories of social movements and how they change society.
  • Discuss why social movements develop and the stages that they go through.

In this unit, we will examine social change in society. In doing so, we will discuss some common causes of social change, look at how scholars have explained the patterns of social change, and explore why some people resist social change in society. We will also discuss the concept of modernity and examine what changes have occurred since the Industrial Revolution. Finally, we will examine theories of modernization in developing nations and the characteristics and issues of postmodern societies.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Understand what social change in society is and what causes it.
  • Examine how theorists have explained social change.
  • Discuss how society has changed since the Industrial Revolution.
  • Learn the common characteristics of postmodern societies.


  • Word processing software
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